But what I keep asking is: why While I am representative of the Institute?!
I hope for a real answer. The fact is that the teachers in the newly passed Council of the Institute you are armed with the revolutionary spirit and anti-smoking campaign at the same time.
The result?
From now on, those under 16 years will be a smoke, and those who fall into the 16-18 will be allowed ONLY in the intervals, ONLY if they have a written authorization signed by parents and ONLY in an area of little more than three square meters. When the first two areas were not served any kind of document, and anyone could smoke more or less as he pleased. But I'm
revolutionary spirit from where the fish have? It must have been asleep at least since the revolution of '68. è.é
Luckily for me the question "What should a representative of the Institute? "I was answered" just has to be cool. "
Sticazzi E!
I thought the meeting was a formality in welcoming the POF in a quarter of an hour to say so, not a blood feud raging tones with shouts and threats attached. And especially with the desire to change half Regulation.
traumatized by scenes of Dean with my colleague S. Fifth, I was silent for an hour. Then, at the end of this delightful episode, my other colleague M. has seen fit to cut and run (though I think it was planned, it seemed just like a leak) and I have to loosen the grip of moral six teachers, three parents and a strict headmaster - we know - is a disgrace to its pure definition. Meanwhile
S., exhausted the energies in the previous debate, he slumped in his chair and no longer open his mouth, buck the task of continuing the session.
For this reason at the end I was forced to speak and groped to salvage.
At least I did with the Train of Memory, and partly by the white day. Gee, I did my best! The remaining è.é
our good intentions sfanculati were cheerfully. What
assembly nightmare O_O I hope never happens again ...
... but no!
Why do I have at least a couple more next week and early next month. Perchéccazzo But the school has had to wake up in my office?
CRAP! ç_ç