Thursday, July 1, 2010

Using Round Paper Lanterns As Centerpieces

Tempted: Tamarra that! X3

I leave here the same review that I left earlier on Anobii about a. ..

then nothing more than the last book published (or next to last, I have not yet well understood) of the House of Night series written by PC and Kristin Cast

(except for Aggie, to which I would have it all without Spoilerati ^ ^)

This book is a Tamarra. I say this not with malice, but it is. Has this tamarro aftertaste that accompanies it until the last page, where every event becomes a big thing more important. The events are more glamorous, Zoey is increasingly full of himself and engaged, if Stevie Rae is a Raven Mocker (OO IMO, very nasty ) people pull the bucket in a snap. .. I found it different than others, and for the different points of view and for many other reasons that I think are too many to list, but I have to admit that I liked, and that together with "Untamed" is my favorite in this series.
Well, some thing or the Cast risparmiarsele could also, like the trip in Italy that does so much atmosphere post-twilightiana (but the cool vampires we always do in Italy?) done on the private jet that HON - Lenobia to hear - it seems the most ; obvious in this world, then drops to discover the hideout of supervillains no thanks to a magic circle - odd, considering that the removable cover for any problem - but thanks to Twitter Vampire -.-''.
All in all, however, is a pleasant read. Two laughter are guaranteed. ^ ^

END reccy

Meanwhile, add una cosa che ho dimenticato di scrivere su Anobii.

Che fine ha fatto la cara, vecchia, stronza Aphrodite ? Chi è sta tizia dai boccoli  biondi che si preoccupa per la gente, piange, gioca con bambini e cagnolini davanti al caminetto nelle serate d'inverno, si abbandona a scenette romantiche con Darius, cucina torte di mele, si imbottisce di Xanax e prova buoni sentimenti ?!?

Aphrodite ! (se ci sei batti un colpo) E' ora di ritirare un po' fuori le palle! Va bene diventare più buona, anche perché se non fossi finita a fare l'amyketta Zoey'd be trashed directly, but heck, there is a limit to everything! Stop to pick violets and rekindle the stronzaggine in you. I do not want to lose the best character in the story (come out by mistake by the way) in favor of a good girl .

preferred the bitch! TT


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