Monday, January 24, 2011

Subject Interview Thank You

The Society of the Courts Idiots

For months we do not write, so recovery time, although not really have much to say.

begin to talk about my thesis, fantastic, which I sling earlier this year but now I do not know how to continue. I stalled. Probably because he saw the subject (greenhouse gases and alternative energy) are surrounded by bigots and / or disasters, and scientists who publish articles there are very few credible. Besides, I'm writing a Fracci of crap on the gas responsible for global warming when, let's face it, nobody cares nothing of this part. Maybe I should focus on the climax of the essay, but do not know why I can not. Oh, and the prof still does not return the first draft, then I do not know if what I wrote is good or not and still have three pages on the Cross wrote when my other classmates are already more than halfway and / or are building experiments jocks to impress the examiners.

I do the best I can do is introduce the exhibition with a swirl .

Vrrrrrr! Guarda come gira!
Vrrr, see how they run!

O with a machine to capture the CO2, but the windmill would surely be appreciated.

The other news that I wanted to give, is that we finally started shooting the short film that takes part in the competition of contemporary history. The topic we chose is "The role of the media in the war in former Yugoslavia" a little 'how to say "combines the skills of literary Pirandello with pickled cucumbers, UFOs and Ruby Heartbreaker, without forgetting to mention Greenpeace and your sister ".

short, hardly a disaster given that we know what we're talking about. The positive side is that being a short film shooting is a fun, from journalists who appear to be functioning un'hot of-line, passing through the thief in the background to the scenes of cats ending up sad people in the midst of the assault, slips and rolls on the ground. For reasons like this we decided to found the Society of the Courts Idiots. If we should wish to make other movies we've already decided to turn them together. However, is being nice, but even though the odds of winning are negative, we do not care that much. And 'I had a blast the same realization ^ ^

E mo' it takes me to conclude arrandom the video for "Barbra Streisand uhuhuhuhuh" that makes me burst out laughing for two days now. Enjoy! = D


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