Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lesbians In A Public Shower

My class is not water: it's shit.

And to think that before I was firmly convinced that deep down my class was a nice.

It took me just enough to change his mind.

Planting grains having similar organized and conducted meeting summed up the meaning in "volemossebbeneh" is nothing short of despicable. Despicable as take advantage of the problems of B. to win a squalid practice match volleyball. And then ciss as if it had just been won the gold medal in any Olympics.

Bah. I wonder why I'm writing, so who cares right?

Yes, indeed. But from now on scodatevi my help. As I said on FB, from now on, every man for himself . And fuck you.

I just broke a little 'cock.


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