Monday, September 13, 2010

Cheats On Gpsphone Fire Red

Proprio così, alla fine nonostante tutti i miei migliori presupposti per tagliare il primo giorno di scuola (tra cui la nausea - reale - patita domenica pomeriggio), alla fine sono andato a scuola.
Ma forse sarebbe stato meglio non andarci.

Italian classes, after-action blasphemous, dare I say - [info] agata_fisch I have to go write an essay on the atrocious Malebolge the twenty-first century, visited by Dante in 1300.

And down with the anachronisms.

If nothing else, because it was creative writing, in theory I could write that I most liked. So I did, I sent them to hell, poser, the exalted, the gullible, the pimps, the madmen, the narrow-minded, extremists, the moralists, the bigots and inconsistent. The latter, we say that it was just a way to not write "Northern League". Given that I likened to a gathering of the pit Pontida!

X3 Oh, and I created a giant in the exalted arena filled with a crowd that laughed at the center of a chained imagine that yell sounding buzzwords.

Yes, you guessed it, GL is for Andrea. What gives Dante's blasphemous = S. Then

boh, Dante breaded and runs away.

is over the issue, I believe I was invited to a "Saturday acid" O_O. I do not know what it is, but to that of GG is an evening to spaccarsidibbruttoH. Maybe.

The rest of the day I spent in slumber and make bundles of parables (thanks, teacher mate! >.>). Then we were chatting in biology with the job of the Hemisphere.

Not in the sense that it is a fag, eh, in the sense that it is in New Zealand.

What else should I say? No but I will stop. The post is well enough rambling.

biii Bye! X3


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